
08 January 2012

Das Katzenhaus: The Black Fabric Saga

On of Diego's favorite things about his new home was that the soft chairs had black coverings. In particular he loved the chair that could only seat one person.

If you sit in this chair and then go outside...dogs will chase you.
Best of all, the One never disturbed him when in this seat or tried to steal it.

An important woman came to visit once. Diego liked her and could tell she was important because the One slept on the couch while she was there. She was very good to Diego, leaving out black fabric on the bed for him to lie on while she went into the horrible water box. It was so warm and clean and soft that Diego couldn't help but curl up on it.

Strangely, though, she made him get off it so she could then put it on.

What a strange woman.


So yeah, Diego has a thing for black fabrics above all. Also if you set out clean ironed clothes on the bed while you take a shower like my mom did, you will carry Diego with you wherever you go.

The Das Katzenhaus stories will continues over time, but I'm going to take a break from them to do other blog posts as well.

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